
How Safe And Simple Document Imaging Can Benefit Your Business

Many won't admit it, but paperwork, especially keeping track of it for years, is a real nightmare. File cabinets filled with years of paperwork. Boxes packed away in the basement, attics, storage buildings and even shoved in corners simply to have them out of the Ipod accessories way. The rule of thumb is that the Federal Government wants you to keep paperwork for 7 years in case there is some type of issue that has to be researched. This can mean you have to keep track of tens of thousands of different pieces of paper. While document imaging reduces storage Wholesale Nintendo 3DS needs from all those boxes that takes up valuable space and replaces them with DVD's, people are afraid that document imaging either isn't legal or causes more problems than it's worth. If you're one of Jewelry & Watch Tools these people that fear document imaging, then you'll want to read this.- Scanned documents are just as valid in an audit as paper.- Having documents scanned and stored makes them easier to organize and store.- Paper stored in boxes presents a huge fire hazard.- Scanned documents are much easier to handle since you can email, fax or print copies with a few mouse clicks instead of having to take time to find the paper in question so you can do the process manually.- DVD's and CD's created with document imaging have a "shelf life" of at least 10 years.- With the portability of scanned documents and the ability to replicate CD's and DVD's, having backups stored in bank safety deposit boxes is a simple prospect instead of an impossibility.- Scanning documents pays for itself in storage fees in a matter of months.- Records that are scanned are accessible via tablet PC's, laptops, netbooks, PDA's and smart phones directly from a local area network or via the internet if need be.As a business tool, document imaging is more important than ever. While storing large amounts of paper is a problem, not having a copy of the paper somewhere can be a true disaster if there is a flood or a fire since there's no real way to recreate all that paperwork. Having easy access to scanned documents either on the network or on DVD or CD makes it much easier to find as well. Instead of having to sort through boxes of paperwork to find the right file, you can find it electronically in a matter of minutes. Having a company that specializes in document scanning services can take care of your old paperwork, you'll save time, save money and reduce paper waste and fire hazards.

